Lovejoy High School PTSO Board


LHS PTSO is made up of hard-working parents, staff and students who volunteer their time and talents to provide support and guidance for our school. 


The 2024-2025 board members are listed below.  Get to know their names and feel free to reach out if you have questions. 


If you have a question or are interested in filling an open board position or serving on the board next year - please contact PTSO.  Click on the Contact Us button below to email PTSO.  We will get back to you shortly - usually within 48 hours.



Contact PTSO


President:  Holly Dominguez

1st VP:  Christy Forte

VP Programs:  Ann Carman

VP Membership:  Ivey Janecek

VP Ways and Means:  Juliet Saluja

Secretary:  Nicole Gilmore

Treasurer:  Shannon Verschage

Parliamentarian:  Lisa O'Dowd

Hospitality:  Kari Aguilar

Arts in Ed/Reflections:  

Environmental:  Leticia Salazar

Council Rep:  Andi Payne

Technology:  Michelle Wilde 

Volunteer Coordinator:  Kim Rollins 

Legislative:  Jennifer Rowe

Welcome Ambassador:  Amber Craver

Community:  Camille Simpkins

SAGE:  Susan Elliott

Principal:  Justin Wieller

Student Representative:  TBD

Advisory CommitteeStephanie McGowan

Advisory Committee – Cheraina Dunn

Advisory Committee - Hollye Edwards

Advisory Committee - Julie Yow